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NorQuest College

Edmonton, Canada
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Basic information and contact details for NorQuest College


NorQuest College is a publicly funded community college in Edmonton, Alberta.

NorQuest College, formerly known as Alberta Vocational College (AVC), was officially established by the Government of Alberta in 1965 to provide untrained and under-employed Albertans with the opportunity to develop skills required in an industrialised workforce.

It offers diplomas and certificates as well as preparatory programmes, which can be full-time, part-time, online, and a hybrid of online and in-person instruction.

NorQuest College offers one of the largest practical nursing programmes within Canada.

As well as health, human services and business career programmes, NorQuest offers adult literacy, English as a second language (ESL), intercultural education, indigenous education, academic upgrading, and learner support for students with disabilities.

Some 57 per cent of NorQuest students come from outside of Canada and come from some 152 countries. There are more than 72 languages spoken on campus.

NorQuest College has one Edmonton campus in downtown Edmonton and three regional campuses (Drayton Valley, Wetaskiwin, and Whitecourt).

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