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Lead City University

Ibadan, Nigeria
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Basic information and contact details for Lead City University


Located in Ibadan, Nigeria, Lead University is a private university that specialises in social sciences, law, applied sciences, and communication technology for both young students and working adults. The university was founded in 2005, offering programmes at its Jericho Campus located within Ibadan City.

Aiming to offer education to both young students and working adults, Lead City University provides a flexible learning programme, allowing students to choose either part or full-time study schemes.

There are seven faculties at the university, including: natural and applied sciences, communication and information science, law, engineering and technology, management and social sciences, environmental design and management, and arts and education. Across these faculties, students can choose from undergraduate degrees, postgraduate degrees, or a part-time sandwich programme specifically for teachers to study in the faculty of education from July to September.

Students at Lead City are expected to have or develop a good knowledge of information technology, from professional programmes like Microsoft Certificate to computer repairs, fashion design and more.

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