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Autonomous University of Chiapas

Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Mexico
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Basic information and contact details for Autonomous University of Chiapas


The Autonomous University of Chiapas was established by Dr. Manuel Velasco Suarez in 1975. At the heart of the university is its commitment to service and social responsibility. The university seeks to nurture ethical professionals who are environmentally conscious.

The university’s main campus is located in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the capital of the state of Chiapas in southern Mexico. Tuxtla Gutiérrez is the state’s commercial and political centre, as well as a regional transport hub. The city has a central square, which is home to the 16th century Cathedral of San Marcos. There are also a variety of museums that students can visit in their spare time. The university’s other campuses are located across Chiapas in the following regions: Catazaja, Copainalá, Istmo-Costa, Ocozocoautla, Pichucalco, San Cristóbal de las Casas, and Tapachula.

There are five faculties on offer at the university including accounting and administration, architecture, engineering, languages, and sciences. Within each faculty are a number of undergraduate and graduate courses available for students to study.

Students at the university are given the opportunity to study abroad for up to one semester as part of an academic exchange programme. Both undergraduate and graduate students can choose to study at one of the university’s national or international partner institutions. This experience is designed to give students a broader vision of their professional horizon, as well as enrich their understanding of different cultures.

The university has five main principles: autonomy, equality, freedom, justice, and service. By embodying these values, the university is able to fulfil its mission of contributing to the sustainable development of society.

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