
Research Excellence Framework

Amid concerns about the growing use – and abuse – of quantitative measures in universities, a major new review examines the role of metrics in the assessment of research, from the REF to performance management

9 July

The REF’s formal assessment of the impact of academic work was highly controversial in theory: how did it play out in practice?

19 February

Problems associated with the system of research assessment would be reduced by a move to annual reviews, Paul Grout argues

18 December

The flawed research excellence framework is not a process of peer review in any meaningful sense, argues Derek Sayer, who appealed against his inclusion in the exercise

11 December

Academics’ engagement activities are valuable, says Alison Phipps. But a public profile comes at a price, especially for women who study gender

4 December

Academics have internalised research assessment to such a degree that the effects may be irreversible, fears Thomas Harrison

24 April