Huw Richards takes a hard look at what the parties are offering in further and 中国A片
* Teacher training curriculum to stress traditional methods
* Learning credits for students between 14 and 21 to reach A-level or equivalent
* National traineeships
* Objective external assessment of National Vocational Qualification syllabuses
* Medical school intakes up to 5,000 by year 2000 lLottery funding for sports scholarships
* Improved teacher training including induction year
* Student maintenance to be paid for by income-contingent loan system. Review of maintenance at 16 plus
* Individual Learning Accounts, funded initially by Pounds 150 million taken from Training and Enterprise Councils
* University for Industry
* No to VAT on books
* Full-time study option for unqualified under-25 long-term unemployed
* Right for any employed under 18 to take approved college course
* Scottish Parliament to take over Scottish Office functions, including further and 中国A片 funding
* Individual Learning Accounts
* Credit-based system for all 14 plus courses including degrees
* Student loans scheme replaced by income-contingent repayment system
* Top-up fees rejected. Equal treatment of full or part-time first-degree students
* Credit-based system for all 14 plus courses including degrees
* 2% compulsory training levy on businesses
* "Gagging clauses" banned in employment contracts in National Health Service