? (8.35 am BBC2). Final episode, "One Sky Above Us", takes us to 1914 and the transformation of the USA’s West.
Choir of the Year Final (12 noon BBC2). Extracts from the performances of eight choirs at the Royal Albert Hall.
? (12.05 C4). Kevin Warwick continues his robot theme.
Thinking Allowed (4.00 R4). On shopping and television. Laurie Taylor with Roger Silverstone and Paco Underhill.
The Odyssey Of Troy (6.00 History Channel). The Trojan War in myth and history.
? : The History of Britain (6.35 C4). A " Time Team night " begins with an 85-minute mixture of highlights from the previous series and new visits to UK sites, to show how history has been illuminated by archaeological discovery.
? Special: Big Al Uncovered (8.00 BBC1). How one of the most complete dinosaur skeletons ever uncovered, in Wyoming ten years ago, led to new information about life in the Jurassic era – and its eventual recreation as an audience-booster on BBC1.
ID (8.00 C5). On being the "wrong" gender, including a female-to-male transsexual law lecturer.
Driving Mum Crazy (8.30 C5). Twelve-year-old Ben, his Asperger’s Syndrome, his doctors and his treatment.
? : The Mystery of Mine Howe (9.0 C4). The C4 archaeological team visits a month-long dig by the Orkney Archaeological Trust around a mysterious underground stone chamber.
? (12.50 am BBC1). Back-to-back re-run of three episodes from Robert Winston’s recent series. Three more the follow on Wednesday night.