Married to the Music (11.30 am R4). First of a series about composers' wives focuses on Mrs Elgar.
The Material World (4.30 R4). Evidence of climate change three million years ago, recently discovered by Jeremy Marlow (Newcastle University).
Great Crimes of the 20th Century: The Great Train Robbery (8.00 C5).
The Jewish Journey (8.00 R4). Part two: "The Secret Jews of Tudor England" narrated by Andrew Sachs.
? (8.00 R3). Different perspectives on the word "panic" and its derivation from the god Pan. With Oxford classicist Oliver Taplin, psychiatrist Raj Persaud and composer-saxophonist John Harle (who will later perform Harrison Birtwistle's Panic ).
In Business (8.30 R4). The company that is mapping Iceland's gene pool and the ethical questions that arise. Peter Day reports from Reykjavik.
Talking Art (9.40 BBC Knowledge). Stuart Hall discusses the work of some young black photographers, among them Rotimi Fani-Kayode and Chila Burman.
? : Ecstasy and Agony (9.00 BBC2; 9.30 in Wales). Can the ecstasy drug alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease?
Danger, Unexploded Bomb (9.00 C4). New series about the bomb disposal experts of World War Two. Featuring "newly discovered German documents" revealing more about Nazi technology.
Leading Edge (9.00 R4). Science series returns with Geoff Watts pondering the fate of the Russian space station Mir , scheduled to plunge to earth.
I, Claudius (9.00 UK Drama). Episodes four and five: "Poison is Queen" and "Some Justice".
? - Brief Encounters (9.50 BBC2, 10.20 in Wales). Life on Mars.
? (from 12.30 am BBC2). Including, at 1.00, Test Tube Miracle?, on ICSI; the latest infertility treatment.
Disinfo Nation (1.00 am C4). Including "palaeopsychologist" Howard Bloom on his new book The Global Brain .