From Crocodile Dung to Electrocution (3.45 R4). Last in series on the history of contraception looks to the future.
Front Row (7.15 R4). Martin Amis interviewed.
Gene Pioneers (8.05 World Service, repeated Sat 2.05 am). Peter Evans begins a series on the genetic revolutions of the last 30 years by talking with biochemist Maxine Singer about the early days of nucleic acids research.
Timewatch (9.00 BBC2, Monday 7.10 in Wales). Did Heinrich Himmler try to do a deal with the Allies before the end of the war in 1945? New evidence uncovered by the production team of The Nazis – A Warning from History .
? (9.30 R3). Including Fiona Shaw talking about performing Greek tragedy for modern audiences. (You can catch her talking about Euripides’ Medea on a Monday night Open University programme at 1.00 am. She is also in the last part of the series on little-known Victorian cultural figures.)