John Barnden, formerly at New Mexico State University, has been appointed to the chair of computer science. John Blake, professor of applied mathematics, has been appointed dean of the faculty of science.
The personal title of professor has been conferred on the following readers: Erik Goldstein, professor of international history; Peter Holland, chair of Shakespeare studies and director of the Shakespeare Institute; Donald Hutton, chair of earth sciences; Edward Johns, professor of renal science; Susan Limbrey, professor of environmental archaeology; John Nelson, professor of nuclear physics; John Redmond, professor of European studies; Stanley Siebert, professor of labour economics; George Simnett, professor of high energy astrophysics; Dimitris Tziovas, professor of modern Greek Studies.
The following senior lecturers have been awarded the personal title of professor: Llewelyn Davies, professor of English; Ann Davis, professor of social work; Andrew Mullineaux, professor of money and banking.
Imperial College
The following have been appointed to visiting professorships: J. Archer, vice chancellor, Heriot-Watt University; A. Jones, technical director at Epichem; J. Morton, director of the structural materials centre at the Defence Research Agency; R. Penreath, chief scientist and director of environmental strategy at the Environmental Agency.
Noticeboard is compiled by Lynne Williams. For further information see NetGazette on