The Elizabeth Hoover case exposes our fallacies about identity Outrage at cases of falsely claimed Native identities is fuelled by the conflation of positionality with academic merit, says Jonathan Zimmerman Jonathan Zimmerman 6月 9日
Academic freedom trumps harm, but forgiveness beats vengefulness It is excessive to demand the resignation of a US college leader who badly misjudged a student complaint about offence, says Jonathan Zimmerman Jonathan Zimmerman 2月 3日
争论会造成伤害这种观点会让学习变得不再可能 乔纳森·齐默尔曼(Jonathan Zimmerman)称,包括他自己在内的,对詹姆斯·斯威特(James Sweet)对于现时论的文章的反应损害了真正的学术辩论 Jonathan Zimmerman 9月 1日
Katz case illustrates how culture wars have taken over the academy Why can’t scholars acknowledge that a professor was both mistreated by Princeton and mistreated his former student lover, asks Jonathan Zimmerman Jonathan Zimmerman 5月 27日
Fear of being cancelled is the enemy of progress The furore over the John Comaroff letter means discussions that could boost understanding of sexual harassment won’t occur, says Jonathan Zimmerman Jonathan Zimmerman 3月 4日
How Professor Van Winkle woke up to viewpoint diversity It is 2041. Knee-jerk politics is conspicuous by its absence and students are willing to actually hear each other. But is this odd spectacle a premonition or just a dream, wonders Jonathan Zimmerman Jonathan Zimmerman 7月 22日