QAA-led review of offshore teaching flags concerns about expansion of existing programmes overloading staff, and unfamiliarity of assessment techniques used
Astronomer hired on fellowship supporting scientists to return from career breaks says hoped-for permanent role was not advertised and handed instead to partner of outstanding minority appointee
Rethink on Research Excellence Framework’s demand that submitted monographs should be freely available follows fierce condemnation of a policy described as ‘unaffordable’ and ‘excessively bureaucratic’
Critics warn that Health Sciences University – which incorporates chiropractic and osteopathic treatment – is ethically concerning and will mislead students and patients
Regulator’s decision to shelve register of staff-student relationships in favour of recommending ban indicative of changing culture in institutions, academics say
Shock results in July’s general election mean there are many more academics in parliament, but narrow majorities are just one reason why their constituencies are likely to be their main focus
Labour has placed its faith in better regulation sorting out the financial issues in the sector, but what tools and powers does an already overburdened organisation need to tackle its biggest challenge yet?