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Bristol0113 Brunel University#0009 Buckinghamshire New University!0203 The University of Buckingham 0114 The University of Cambridge%0188 The Institute of Cancer Research(0012 Canterbury Christ Church University)0053 The University of Central Lancashire0011 University of Chester0115 The City University0201 Courtauld Institute of Art0056 Coventry University0002 Cranfield University%0206 University for the Creative Arts0038 University of Cumbria0068 De Montfort University0057 University of Derby0116 University of Durham"0117 The University of East Anglia"0058 The University of East London0016 Edge Hill University0118 The University of Essex0119 The University of Exeter"0054 University of Gloucestershire0131 Goldsmiths College 0059 The University of Greenwich 0060 University of Hertfordshire#0061 The University of Huddersfield0120 The University of Hull90132 Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine0133 Institute of Education0121 The University of Keele0122 The University of Kent0134 King's College London0063 Kingston University 0123 The University of Lancaster"0064 Leeds Metropolitan University0124 The University of Leeds 0125 The University of Leicester0062 The University of Lincoln%0065 Liverpool John Moores University 0126 The University of Liverpool#0024 University of the Arts, London0135 London Business School50151 University of London (Institutes and activities)#0202 London Metropolitan University!0076 London South Bank University50137 London School of Economics and Political Science30138 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine0152 Loughborough University+0066 The Manchester Metropolitan University!0204 The University of Manchester0067 Middlesex University*0154 The University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne"0027 The University of Northampton/0069 The University of Northumbria at Newcastle!0155 The University of Nottingham$0071 The Nottingham Trent University0072 Oxford Brookes University0073 The University of Plymouth!0074 The University of Portsmouth%0139 Queen Mary and Westfield College0157 The University of Reading0031 Roehampton University0003 Royal College of Art+0141 Royal Holloway and Bedford New College!0143 The Royal Veterinary College(0145 St George's Hospital Medical School-0039 St Mary's University College, Twickenham0158 The University of Salford/0146 The School of Oriental and African Studies0147 The School of Pharmacy 0075 Sheffield Hallam University 0159 The University of Sheffield"0037 Southampton Solent University"0160 The University of Southampton0077 Staffordshire University!0078 The University of Sunderland0161 The University of Surrey0162 The University of Sussex0079 Teesside University0149 University College London0163 The University of Warwick/0081 University of the West of England, Bristol"0080 The University of West London"0083 The University of Westminster!0021 The University of Winchester$0085 The University of Wolverhampton 0046 The University of Worcester0013 York St John University0164 The University of York0177 Aberystwyth University0178 Bangor University0179 Cardiff University$0089 Cardiff Metropolitan University0087 Glyndur University0180 Swansea University,0176 University of Wales Trinity Saint David0170 The University of Aberdeen!0095 University of Abertay Dundee0172 The University of Dundee 0107 Edinburgh Napier University 0167 The University of Edinburgh"0106 Glasgow Caledonian University0168 The University of Glasgow0171 Heriot-Watt University)0100 Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh!0104 The Robert Gordon University!0173 The University of St Andrews0174 The University of Stirling"0169 The University of Strathclyde+0105 The University of the West of Scotland&0184 The Queen's University of Belfast0185 University of Ulster Institution!Source: HESA Staff Record 2011/12;Copyright йAƬ Statistics Agency Limited 2013UK Total England Total Wales TotalScotland TotalNorthern Ireland TotalAll academic staff0090 University of Glamorgan*0156 The University of Oxford*0001 The Open University*% female%Sorted by lowest % female professors oAcademic staff Full Time Equivalent (excluding atypical) by institution, professorial status and gender 2011/12Institutional caveats(* please see Institutional caveats below<The Open University has noted that the decrease in total FTE for academic staff on standard contracts from 2012/11 is due, in large part, to a change in the method used to calculate the FTE for Associate Lecturers, which is more finely grained and gives a more accurate representation of FTE for this group of staff.JThe University of Oxford has a significant increase (244 in 2010/11 to 828 in 2011/12) in the number of academic staff who have been classified as a  Professor . This is not an actual increase but a change in how professors have been identified at Oxford. This increase should bring them more in line with the rest of the sector. Staff data supplied to HESA by University College Birmingham does not distinguish between staff teaching on FE programmes and those teaching on HE programmes (note, above, that UCB has an unusually large proportion of FE students for an HEI, and therefore staff to teach them). It would therefore be inaccurate to use Staff FTE numbers in any calculation related solely to either HE or FE teaching, or to make reference to them in any authoritative way.The University of Glamorgan merged with the University of Wales, Newport on the 11th April 2013 to become the University of South Wales. However, the data which has been requested relates to the 2011/12 academic session and therefore relates to the two former Universities. The University of South Wales therefore request that when published it refers to the former institutions and not merged into a single entity under the USW name.R T Liverpool Hope University has asked that their institution level data not be released at this time. England and UK totals include all institutions.Times йAƬData does not include institutions with lower than 7.5 FTE professors and to institutions with lower than 1.5 FTE female or male professorshData for Liverpool Hope University has been suppressed (see below), totals are based on all institutions 0.JLFihJ  w M! _" |# {$%&#'!s(0cc||q7}-} 00_)}-} 00_)}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef\([$}<} 00_)ef \([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L\([$}<} 00_)L \([$}<} 00_)23\([$}<} 00_)23\([$}<} 00_)23\([$}<} 00_)23\([$}<}  00_)23\([$}<}! 00_)23 \([$}<}" 00_)\([$}<}# 00_)\([$}<}$ 00_)\([$}<}% 00_)\([$}<}& 00_)\([$}<}' 00_) \([$}<}( 00_)\([$}}) }00_)\([$#,##  }}* 00_)\([$???#,##??? ??? ???}(}/ 00_)}-}0  00_)}<}1 a00_)\([$}<}2 00_)\([$}<}3 00_)?\([$}<}4 00_)23\([$}(}5 00_)}-}6  00_)}}7 ??v00_)̙\([$#,##  }<}8 }00_)\([$}<}9 e00_)\([$}x};00_)\([$#,##  }}< ???00_)\([$???#,##??? ??? ???}-}> 00_)}P}? 00_)\([$#,##}(}@ 00_)}-}C 00_)}-}J 00_)}-}K 00_)}-}R 00_)}-}U 00_)}-}] 00_)}(}f 00_)}(}g 00_)}(}h 00_)}-}i 00_)}-}j 00_)}-}n 00_)}-}o 00_)}-}p 00_)H 20% - Accent1 ef H" 20% - Accent2 ef H& 20% - Accent3 ef H* 20% - Accent4 ef H. 20% - Accent5 ef H2 20% - Accent6  ef H 40% - Accent1 L H# 40% - Accent2 L渷 H' 40% - Accent3 L H+ 40% - Accent4 L H/ 40% - Accent5 L H3 40% - Accent6  Lմ H 60% - Accent1 23 H$ 60% - Accent2 23ږ H( 60% - Accent3 23כ H, 60% - Accent4 23 H0 60% - Accent5 23 H4 60% - Accent6  23 <Accent1 O <!Accent2 PM <%Accent3 Y <)Accent4 d <-Accent5 K <1Accent6  F 4Bad  | Calculation  } z Check Cell  ????????? ??? 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