Overemphasis of traditional academic silos is not preparing young people to address the environmental, political and biomedical abyss opening up before us, says Eric Macfarlane
Australian policymakers have moved to link funding to student retention. But they must accept that desirable trends don’t all arise in perfect harmony, says Andrew Norton
Recognising the dominant role of intelligence in academic performance is key to ending the underperformance of poor and minority students, says Richard J. Haier
Living next to the US is like sleeping with an elephant. But will the election of a divisive president see more Americans pack their trunks and trump, trump, trump up to Canada? asks Glen Jones
It is written in stone that Scottish students will not pay fees, but Chris Havergal reports on worries that this stance is bad for access and sustainability
Holistic admissions offer a level of fairness that traditional academic criteria alone cannot provide, and it is a new approach in Singapore, writes Kristen Lynas