Bite-sized courses provide sustenance in Australia Despite scepticism about the business model, short courses prove an earner for cash-starved institutions John Ross 9月 15日
Australian Research Council abandons preprints ban But thousands of Australian researchers remain in limbo, with reviled rule still in force for grants under consideration John Ross 9月 14日
Crunching the Covid crisis: ‘everybody was in the same boat’ Technologically proficient teachers ‘struggled just as much’ in pandemic-induced online stampede John Ross 9月 14日
Pandemic job losses ‘accelerating’ in Australia Permanent rather than casual staff now being targeted, report suggests, but expert queries data underpinning the analysis John Ross 9月 13日
University of Sydney underpaid staff by millions, review finds Acknowledgment comes days after apology from Melbourne John Ross 9月 13日
‘Old farts’ get no favours from research’s new epsilon index Researcher rating tool ‘corrects for most biases’ and allows comparisons across disciplines John Ross 9月 11日
Universities must keep flying the flag for internationalisation Australia and New Zealand’s isolation continues, but global collaboration is ever more crucial, says Dawn Freshwater Dawn Freshwater 9月 11日
Australian regulator signals doubts about Turnitin-Ouriginal deal Buyout could remove ‘particularly innovative competitor’, watchdog warns John Ross 9月 10日
Fears for future of pan-Pacific university Observers worry that treasured institution could fracture, just like the region’s political partnership John Ross 9月 10日
Researchers target choke point in RNA revolution Melbourne team focuses on ‘unsexy’ end of the next big thing in biomedicine John Ross 9月 8日
Nauru hits back as Fiji withholds USP funding South Pacific nations trade barbs as unique pan-national university enters world stage John Ross 9月 8日
RMIT chancellor steps down over casino appointment Long-time leader’s departure amid casino furore follows withdrawal of Newcastle’s coal-aligned appointee John Ross 9月 7日