Australian Senate committee to scrutinise grant veto powers Furore over political interference shows no sign of abating, as government presses ahead with research commercialisation agenda John Ross 2月 9日
Gender quotas for research grants ‘risk unintended consequences’ There is no simple answer to entrenched inequities in research funding, Australian agency finds John Ross 2月 7日
Schmidt: take politics out of Australian research grant decisions Vice-chancellor criticises ‘bipartisan support’ for rules enabling ministers to intervene in grant awards John Ross 2月 7日
New Zealand reopens borders, but many students face long wait While 5,000 students could arrive in April, the rest will not be admitted until October, effectively ruling out campus-based studies before 2023 John Ross 2月 3日
Canberra: change IP and pay rules to foster commercialisation Pay, promotions and intellectual property protections set for ‘refinement’ under new action plan John Ross 2月 2日
Australia pledges billions for research commercialisation But critics say windfall won’t compensate for the money stripped from basic research John Ross 2月 1日
Australian union demands more talk over ‘back to campus’ plans Academics nervous as most universities plan to maximise on-campus delivery amid record Covid death toll John Ross 1月 31日
More grant delays loom for Australian researchers With key funding scheme already months behind schedule, a Christmas Eve resolution could be optimistic John Ross 1月 30日
Australian universities’ broken Covid promises won’t be forgotten Two years of low-quality online provision has left one stranded international student homeless, unemployed and heartbroken 1月 29日
International students reprieved from Perth lockout But new recruits and direct arrivals miss out under new Western Australian rules John Ross 1月 27日
Pour billions into new research translation fund, Australia told Significant additional funding needed to realise Canberra’s commercialisation goals, say scientists Chris Havergal 1月 26日